The below information contains important information regarding the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) final document filing deadline and conclusion of VOCAT operations.
VOCAT is working to finalise all pending applications to conclude operations, which may be as early as 30 May 2025, save for a small volume of residual matters.
What you need to do:
- Ensure you comply with any filing dates that have been set
- For any other filing, submit all documents related to outstanding applications including any reinstatement applications to VOCAT by 1 April 2025.
VOCAT may not consider applications to reinstate after 1 April 2025.
VOCAT will continue to manage pending applications for financial assistance, and the associated expenses, until the finalisation of that application.
Any invoices and/or receipts for future expenses previously authorised by VOCAT, and any application for a variation of a VOCAT award, for a finalised VOCAT application must now be submitted to FAS.
Information regarding FAS is available at www.victimsofcrime.vic.gov.au/fas . Alternatively, please call 1800 161 136.
If you need legal advice, the Victims Legal Service (VLS) is a specialist service that provides free legal advice to victims of crime. For more information regarding the VLS visit www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/victims-legal-service or call 1800 531 566.