Safety-Related Expenses
The Tribunal may award financial assistance for safety-related expenses actually and reasonably incurred, or reasonably likely to be incurred in the future, by a primary victim as a direct result of a violent crime.
Reasonable safety-related expenses generally include expenses such as relocation costs, security expenses, or window and lock repairs which relate to the immediate safety of an applicant.
Documentation required in support of a claim for safety-related expenses
Applications for financial assistance for safety-related expenses should be supported by invoices/receipts for the expense (if the expense has already been incurred), or by quotes (if the expense has not yet been incurred).
Urgent financial assistance for safety-related expenses
Applicants requiring urgent financial assistance for safety-related expenses pending the final determination of their application for assistance are encouraged to apply to the Tribunal for an interim award of financial assistance.
Applications for interim financial assistance must be made in writing, setting out the reason for the request, and can be considered at any time prior to the final determination of an applicant’s application for assistance.