Urgent Financial Assistance

What is an application for interim financial assistance?
An application for interim financial assistance is a request for payment of an expense (generally medical, counselling or funeral expenses) prior to the final determination of an application for financial assistance.
While the outcome of an application for an interim award does not determine an applicant’s final entitlement to financial assistance, the amount of any assistance awarded on an interim basis forms part of the maximum amount of assistance that may be awarded to an applicant.
What type of financial assistance can be awarded prior to the final determination of a matter?
An applicant may make an application for interim financial assistance for any expense they have incurred or are likely to incur as a result of a violent crime that may be awarded at the final determination of an application. For further information regarding the type of financial assistance available to each victim category, see the Financial Assistance Available page. The bulk of awards made awarding interim financial assistance are for counselling expenses, both reports and counselling sessions, in addition to funeral expenses. Interim awards may also be made to cover expenses that arise and need to be paid prior to the application being finalised, such as urgent medical, relocation or safety related expenses. The Tribunal may make an interim award of financial assistance in any circumstance that it considers appropriate.
How to make an application for interim financial assistance
An applicant may make an application for interim financial assistance at any time prior to the final determination of their application. Applications for interim awards of financial assistance are made in writing to the Tribunal, setting out the reasons and urgency for the interim request and enclosing receipts, tax invoices and other documentation in support of the expenses claimed. For further information regarding the supporting documentation required in relation to each type of expense, see the Supporting Documentation page.
The applicant will be notified of the result and sent an award notice or letter confirming the decision of the Tribunal.
Click here for further information regarding urgent safety related expenses for victims of family violence.
Interim financial assistance and the new Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)
Please note: If an interim award has been made, and the application for assistance with VOCAT is struck out or withdrawn after commencement of the new Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) on 18 November 2024, the application may not be eligible for reinstatement with VOCAT. The applicant will also not be eligible to make a new application to the FAS.