From 1 July 2010, the Victims of Crimes Assistance Act 1996 was amended to include a category of financial assistance for safety-related expenses actually and reasonably incurred, or reasonably likely to be incurred in the future, by a primary victim as a direct result of an act of violence. Financial assistance for safety-related expenses is only available to primary victims.
Table setting out the various provisions for Special Financial Assistance under the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996.
The Koori Vocat List has been operating within the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal since 2006. It developed as an initiative of several Tribunal members and registrars who, through their involvement with the Koori community, were aware that the Tribunal was not receiving the number of applications for assistance by Koori victims of crime they would have expected. This information sheet provides an overview of the Tribunal's Koori List.